Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whirling winds of peace and love and sunshine...

This whirl wind life is making me dizzy.....I cannot believe all that has been transpiring. Rose is doing wonderful at the fair. She has seriously been wowing me in ways I did not know existed....if that makes any sense. I am sitting here in Atlanta this Sunday evening with my digs, all lights out, a few candles, ceiling fans roaring, and am contemplating the journey I have signed up for. I am completely jumping out there on the road with 3 dogs and a trailer. I will drive from one coast to the other experiencing it the way I experience America. It is scarey to think about...But that is why it is going to be amazing. I have decided that I am going to travel completely sober, no goodies or anything that would get me locked up. All natural, no issues please, ...

So, I feel like I need one more day to meditate, nothing but meditation through breathing...It is still scary though. I like it though, it is kind of like living in the 3rd world...I am really looking forward to the road. Good night, it is storming outside. I am enjoying the large living space here in Atlanta, before our sace becomes the trailer. It will be interesting.