Wednesday, July 29, 2009

From Moab to LA in one day

So, it gets lonely traveling alone. It was becoming more and more apparent that I was ready to see Rosemary. The whole reason I was driving out west in the first place is to get her and support her with the henna business. In the midst of it all I am able to do some things I want to do. So I was beginning to either go north to Oregon and it would be 2 more weeks till I pick her up in LA. BUT, I got the vibe that she and I both needed to see one another and be with one another before 2 weeks. It was going to help both of us continue with the trip. She was putting in around 80 hours a week in and I was traveling alone with the dogs. I was beginning to feel as though I was just traveling to get to the next place on the agenda, leading to the time when I see Rosemary again. I began to think of her more than the places I was visiting, and I could feel it in her voice of exhaustion and hard wok, that she could use some time with me as well. So I decided to pack up the trailer and drive the 14 hours it takes to get to LA. I would go southwest towards Las Vegas to LA. This trip would take me through Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and then California. I would pass though many mountain ranges and the Mojave Desert and Death Valley ending the drive in the LA Mission Viejo area. It was probably the most beautiful and diverse landscape trip I have ever taken. Between Las Vegas and Los Angeles was HELL. The heat must have soared to well over 105 degrees. My air conditioning was in and out, but I did not use it a lot anyway to not overwork the truck with the trailer. Some of the places we were looked like what we would expect from Mars. And there are communities out there as well with golf courses and imported plants and lots of cookie cutter houses and shopping. I can only imagine the energy bills incurred, the consumption of energy and usage of water. Who the hell wants to living in a traditional man-made structure in the desert???

We finally made it to Los Angeles and I was immediately introduced to the craziest driving I have ever seen. Passing on the right going 90 mph and tailgating going 90 mph and basically just the most aggressive driving I have ever seen. The most frustrating thing is that we arrived in LA with a location of the KOA campground on Santa Marguerita Parkway, but it turns out we were at the wrong location, the correct location being about 50 miles north. I reserved a spot over the phone, and used the gps in my Iphone. So I was about to lose my mind, exhausted after driving 15 hours, 3 dogs that were anxious and exhausted as well, hot as hell, hungry, and not a clue where I was going to sleep….So we headed to the closest Wal-Mart parking lot where RV’s and others are aloud to sleep in their vehicles. It was frustrated and pissed off and then I realized that there were people like me sleeping in their cars. There were 4 cars of normal, well-dressed, individuals sleeping in their cars nearby in the morning. So I quickly became thankful for what we have and the opportunities we have and abilities we have to sleep in a house or trailer on the road. What a wake up call. I hear there are tent cities in Sacramento. Rose says that the whole fair revenues are down and that California seems to have it really bad compared to other states in the US.